Do you know how rare a diamond is and how treasured it is by mankind? Let’s start from the basics.

So who exactly is a woman? A woman is a man with a womb, she receives the seed from a man and keeps it in her womb, nurtures it till it’s time for the fruit to be released to the world.

O…k?! Ok, I’m saying a woman is a being that keeps and nurtures. She is equipped with all the assets both physically and spiritually to keep and nurture another being. Of course her personality or otherwise responsibility isn’t limited to being expressed to another being, she also keeps and nurtures whatever is committed to her. This is irrespective of those who ignore their responsibility and try to be different.

We try so hard to be seen and accepted that we tread and look in the wrong places. This need for acceptance is called Love. That big ol’ four-lettered word. It’s deeper than emotions and deeper than words can describe. But my sweet single ladies must get it by all means, the more you give your heart out to the wrong men, the more the scar, the thicker your defences, the more the pain you feel…uh and dare I say the Older You Grow, no really…let’s get real, you grow older and find out you’ve wasted 5 years on Man A, 2 years on Man B and a year on Man C and the count goes on. If you were 22 when you started dating, before you say “Jack Robinson has a foot in my mouth” well if there’s anything like that LOL! You’ll realise you’re singing 30 and blaming your misfortune in men on Providence.

I’ve tried severally to wonder why ladies go all out to trust and you find out it’s in our nature. For us to keep and nurture we need to take the risk of trusting the entity we want to relate with- man or career. Truth be told you can’t make a move forward without taking a risk of some sort. Even if it fails the first or and second time we just hope and trust that we’ve learnt from our past mistakes and test the waters again, this time carefully until our feet find a rock to be firm in and we throw a triumphant fist in the air “Halleluyah, I’m standing.”

But girl, girl you can’t do that with your 💓, your heart…your love is too expensive and too precious to be tossed from one man to the other in testing the waters. Its a gem that can’t be replaced and should be difficult to reach you just any man girlfriend. Even if you want to learn from your mistakes please kindly stop on one mistake and learn from others’ mistakes.

Ok imagine this, you own a football that was signed by a favourite footballer in one of your favourite football club and someone comes to you asking that you borrow him for some time and promises to look after it. Out of the goodness of your heart you lend it out, he returns it weeks after, looking different from how you gave it (obviously). Another friend comes to borrow it, making the same promise, you trust the person to take care of it and lend it only for the person to return it not looking the same. Friends keep coming to borrow and you keep lending it out. Oh sister sister, haven’t you learnt a thing! They are taking your kindness for granted, not just that, the precious football is no longer special because every Tom, Dick and Harry has played with it and placed all forms of scar on it. It has been returned to you each time worse than before. The football is no longer special because everyone who hasn’t set eyes or touched or played it has at least heard of how others toyed with it, why would they want to do anything with it now!

They would rather go fetch a fresh ball, have it signed and maybe keep it for themselves unscarred. You are the only one who can never forget how long you had to stand in cue for the ball to be autographed, how you had to place it in a precious little corner of your room with the promise not to let anyone near it and only you remembers how new it was before you lent it to the first person.
Get the picture! This is how special your heart is. You can’t give your heart to someone without firstly watching and praying before finally releasing it on order.

Note I said “On Order” we’ll get to this on the next episode dear diamond heart.

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